Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Great News!

Today my mom told me some news. I was excited. However, my reaction might make me a horrible person. A ticket was bought for my grandma to fly back to New York next week. Her twelve week stay will be over next week and I am thrilled.

It is not that I do not like spending time with my 92 year old grandma, or that I get overly annoyed by having to repeat myself as her hearing is terrible, or that her memory is inconstant, or that her cooking methods from last century take extra time and effort.

The problem is my dad and brother. They do almost nothing around the house or to help my grandma with things. When Grandma is staying with us, they retreat to the far corners of the house not to be seen for hours. The few things they did to help before Grandma's visit become even fewer.

Neither of them have jobs, but somehow the part-time now full-time student (me) ends up doing a lot of cleaning the house, making the meals, and helping Grandma with anything she needs help with.

I am tired of living in a house where a 92 year old woman and me are responsible for doing more work than two able bodied unemployed males. I would use the word adult or man, but those connote a level of responsibility neither of them are taking.

The last two and a half months have been the hardest of the past year.

Perhaps I am being overly dramatic. Maybe when I read this post in the morning I will decide I was too harsh. Or, I will agree with every word.

1 comment:

  1. Your grandma seems more active than both your dad and brother combined. Good for you for being man enough to help her out. : )
