Sunday, August 1, 2010

Basic Computer Etiquette

I was writing a Facebook message tonight and then something happened. I have been in this situation many times before so I will deliver my rant in the form of an etiquette lesson for everyone's edification.

When a person talks to a person who is doing something on a computer, it is inappropriate to read the contents of the computer screen. People have walked into my room to talk to me and then stared at my computer screen. Not even five seconds after they walk into the room they are staring at my computer reading the latest Facebook message, email, or Word document I have up. I will look directly at them and talk to them but it is no use. Their attention is fixed to my computer screen like a mosquito to a light.

Now the rule that every person should commit to memory:
If you start talking to someone who is using a computer, do not read the computer screen. A quick glance is ok, but you must look at and talk to the person you walked into the room to talk to. It is ok to make a passing reference to the computer like "How are things on Facebook?" or "How is your article coming along?" but if the person does not want to talk about it do not force talking about what is on the computer screen.
Some caveats and corollaries:
  • The person using the computer must stop work on the computer and devote all attention to the person who appeared to ask a question.
  • An employer is always allowed to examine an employee's computer screen at work or while being paid by the employer.
That is the end of my etiquette lesson for the day. I am currently devising well worded comments for the next person who stares at my computer screen instead of talking to me.

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