- Took a midterm on assembly programming and processor architecture.
- Went on a radio test trip to the desert of California and Nevada. I spend a couple of hours in Las Vegas and the most fun thing I did was help a friend change a flat tire.
- Did a week's worth of reading in a day for a online discussion.
- Started a homework assignment one hour before it was due. I was too busy studying for a midterm to finish it.
- Took a midterm on power systems. I had to draw a lot of graphs to explain switching systems.
- Led a meeting at church to plan a retreat. We had agendas, milk, and cookies, but no one showed up.
- Had more homework. One of the problems was to find the collector current for each of the 24 transistors in the diagram below. I could not finish the problem.

- Organized a neighborhood meeting to start a disaster response team and prepare everyone for earthquakes.
- Had more homework due. I did not complete it because I was busy studying for. . .
- A third midterm. It covered output stages and op-amps. A simplified op-amp is pictured above.
- Worked on a lab report. I did three weeks of lab work in two days, only to discover my program did not work. However, someone in class realized the professor had a mistake in his code so I was able to get it working by lab time.
This weekend is the big library fundraiser my parents plan. Helping them with that will take most of the weekend. While my midterms are finished for the semester, finals are coming in less than three weeks.
Even though I am busy, I am mostly happy. There have been times when I had absolutely nothing to do, and I like this a lot better.
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