Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One Trip and a Couple of Dozen People

Yesterday I arrived home after a several day trip to the Bay Area.

On the drive up I took the 405 North, the 5 North, the 152 West, the 101 North, then the 84 West to drink at the Dutch Goose with Rohit. I enjoyed the Anchor Steam Beer while Mr. Joy had Blue Moon and the deviled eggs were sampled. After I got back to the 101, I took the 92 across the San Mateo Bridge to the 880 North to my hotel in Emeryville.

On Saturday I drove into San Francisco and saw my Associate and Linda. We ate deep dish pizza at a place close to their apartment and then watched the movie Deep Rising.

On Sunday I saw many people from church. There was a BBQ at Newman to celebrate Fr. Charlie's return from Tennessee for a couple of days. The people I saw and talked to included Fr. Al, Fr. Charlie, Sidney, Fr. Bill, Dwight, John, Anthony, Amanda, Tiffany, Juliette, Robert, Eddy, Carson, Lisa, Matt, Filip, Eric, Monica, Sean, Kim, Melissa, Shauna, Elizabeth, Joe, Joanne, and Matt. It was a great experience for everyone involved.

The next day I met people at Raleigh's (which is Raleigh's again) and Henry's before driving into the city to Ghirardelli Square. I ran into Chris who was in Oregon the previous day broadcasting a game on the radio.

In the sad column I learned Sufficient Grounds closed :(

On the trip back I took the 880 South to the 237 West to run into Rohit again before going down the 101 to meet Derek at the Santa Barbara Brewing Company. Even though I had been to the area a couple of times before, I still managed to make many mistakes getting there. After an unintended detour onto the 154, I made my way back down the 101 to the 405 to get home. The entire trip was 1033.8 miles.

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