Saturday, June 12, 2010

One Week, Two Week, Red Week, Blue Week

The last two weeks had more interesting things in them than the previous two months. I will be spacing my comments out over a few different posts.

Earlier I elaborated on my trip north to Berkeley and the connected Bay Area. Yesterday I got back from an eight day family reunion in Orlando. I saw my Grandma, Grandpa, aunt, uncle, and cousin from Western New York. I saw my uncle and two cousins who live in Sweden. There was my cousin and her two children (my cousins once removed) from Indiana. I even saw my great aunt who lives in Florida.

I went to Disney World for four days. Some of my relatives went to Universal Studios or Sea World, but I have been to the Southern California versions of both of them and was not interested enough to see them down there. I made a fifty mile drive to another place, but that will be revealed in a future post.

I visited Disney World once before when I was eight. I do not remember many details, except I had a lot of fun. A few things did come back to me when I was walking around. I had flashbacks when I was in line for Space Mountain and walking into The Lands area in Epcot. I even remembered the elevator that broke while I was in it. I remembered a couple of the theaters I was in such as the American Experience theater and the circle vision movie of China though I do not remember the content of the shows. I will be making a separate post talking about some of the differences between Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

The Red Week from the title is from me being in Orlando when they were celebrating Gay Days. A lot of people wore red shirts when I went to the Magic Kingdom and there were signs around the city. The Blue Week is from my aforementioned trip to the blue and gold of Bear territory.

Now a few general comments about Florida and their Orange County. The weather was hotter and the humidity was ridiculous. It would suddenly start raining and stop a few minutes later. They charged people for the privilege of driving on their roads to visit their tourist attractions. There were two toll booths on the one road between the place I was staying and the airport 15 miles away.

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