Friday, February 4, 2011

If I saw you in person

Some things do not merit their own post. These are the kinds of things I might mention if I saw you in person but would otherwise go unsaid.

Recently I started a teeth whitening program. For a while I have felt my teeth are not as white as they should be. There were some Crest Whitestripes lying around and I am using them. So far my teeth look a little whiter and have a noticeable shine. However, I do not have an objective standard for comparison.

I have been doing some weight lifting. It is nothing fancy; I have a few dumbbells at home and am using them. I have good strength in my arms, but now I have to figure out a program for everything else.

I have been talking to people I have been meaning to talk to for a while. This involves a few Facebook messages and emails saying "I have not seen/talked to you in a ridiculously long time and want to fix this." There are a few more I want to send.

A couple of weeks ago I went to UCI and talked to a professor about doing research with him. He was very nice and we talked for almost an hour. Our conclusion was I should talk to some engineering professors and try to do research with them instead. I still need to do that.

My Grandma is still visiting, but now she has a return plane ticket! When she leaves at the end of the month her two month stay will be over.

I have two exciting trips coming up. (Public Service Announcement: It is OK to post my travel plans online because my house will have people in it both times.) Two weekends from now I will be in Las Vegas where my Aunt is going to a concert. Then for Presidents' Day weekend I will be visiting a friend.


  1. I am excited about your upcoming trip! :-) We need to have a conversation about how to spend our time whilst you're in town...

  2. I will use the telephone tomorrow for planning purposes.

  3. HAHA, it recently struck me that my teeth were not as white as they should be as well. So I picked up some Crest Whitening Strips - ADVANCED SEAL, mind you. They seem to have done the trick... or maybe I wanted them to do the trick.

  4. I need to get another box of them to finish the 14 day treatment. However, I am considering some baking soda or other home remedy. Even if my teeth are getting whiter, there is still a bunch of room for improvement.
