I bring this up because I have a lot of ideas that have been partially written but not posted. Right now there are 32 posts in draft form on the blog.
These drafts take on a variety of forms. Some are earlier versions of posts I have made that should be deleted. A few have complete stories in them, but are not relevant to anything I am doing now or connected to something meaningful. There are four posts that talk about books I have read with space set aside for stories I have yet to read. Many drafts are the seeds of ideas that never sprouted and should be ploughed under. However, a few of them are nearly complete ideas and could be posted with a minor amount of editing.
One of the harder things in writing is removing good stories, interesting coincidences, and funny asides from my drafts. If I kept in everything I thought of my posts would become unnecessarily long and meandering. I do not mean to hold back entire posts covering interesting and fun things, but some posts and ideas are not at the point where I am happy with them. However, having 32 draft posts is too much. I need to clean them up and start publishing.
Fixing this
As part of my effort to publish these posts, here is a drink I wrote about in November. I found this drink when I wanted to do something with half and half. As soon as I saw a recipe that used blue curacao I was excited. Up until that point I had only used blue curacao for making the A.M.F. I found this on the wonderful site Barnonedrinks.com.
1 oz. Blue curacao
1 oz. Half and half cream
1/2 oz. Amaretto
1/2 oz. Dark rum
1/2 oz. Irish cream
1/2 oz. Kahlua
1/2 oz. Light rum
Combine all the ingredients (ice is not necessary) and enjoy.

This drink has a rich pharmaceutical color.
That drink looks gross (like minty Pepto-Bismol or something), but, based on the ingredients, it sounds like it would taste great.
ReplyDeleteIt does taste good. If you do not appreciate the pharmaceutical color, leave out the blue curacao or try a differenet drink with half and half such as a Pitbull on crack.