Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving and the Bears

It is the beginning of a new month. This means partial drafts and post ideas must go.


At the church group/fellowship I attend I have acquired a reputation for coming up with good ice breaker questions. Before Thanksgiving I suggested, "What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?" My answer:
When I was in college, our Bible study group Seekers would celebrate Thanksgiving on the Tuesday before the holiday. One year I signed up to bring mashed potatoes. Since many people (30+) were expected and mashed potatoes are a classic dish for the day, I mashed 15 lb. of potatoes for the feast. I had to go out and buy a pot that was big enough to cook all of them. I also dumped sour cream and cream cheese into the potatoes for extra flavor (after putting a bowl aside for Fr. Charlie).
This past Thanksgiving, I offered my Grandma my pot to cook a large amount of potatoes, but she said that was unnecessary.

The Bears

In the 112th Big Game, the Cardinals (not the birds, but the color) took a 14-0 lead in the first quater. The Bears came back scoring 24 points, to take the led at 24-14. It ended with an interception by Cal at their own 3 yard line to end the game at 34-28. You can read the recap from the Cal Football site or any number of links on Google.

This means we keep the Axe!

There is one more game in the regular season at Washington. Then it is all about a bowl game. The predictions have Cal playing Oklahoma in the Burt Sun Bowl, which is played in El Paso. According to Google Maps, this is only 799 miles from my house. The stadium is easy to get to, there is less than a mile of driving after exiting the 10. This is 600 miles closer than the Armed Forces Bowl where the Bears played two years ago.

It would be fun to go to Texas for the bowl. My concerns are: I would want to travel with fun people and a trip would have to deal with the New Year's Eve crowd as the game is the morning of the 31st.

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