Monday, December 21, 2009

Three ways to measure the posts I did not make

For a while I had a regular feature where I posted every time I made a platelet donation. As my last post on the donation topic was over three months ago, a lot of appointments have passed without comment.

I could measure this time by how big my cup pyramid has grown. Every time I make a donation I save my cup from the canteen.

ten red cross cups pyramid

I could talk about all the movies I have seen when I donated for the last few months:

  • Gran Torino Clint Eastwood yelling at people

  • Munich Track down and kill people who killed people

  • Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist Everyone wants to find Where's Fluffy? They should look on MacGuffin Street

  • Star Trek The fourth of the eleven Star Trek movies where a time distortion is a big deal

  • Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The explosions are gratuitous, but here is a good exchange:
    "Where are you going?"
    "I'm going to get you a tighter shirt"
    "They don't have one, we've looked"

  • Monsters vs. Aliens The monsters are coming to Modesto!

  • There is one other way I could measure how often I have made apheresis donations. Last week they gave me this.

    50 apheresis donations plaque


    1. Wow, that is so cool, Chris! :-)

    2. One thing I should clarify, I have platelet rich blood. In normal appointment they can take 3 units of platelets from me. It only took 17 trips to the center to get to 50 donation units.
