The up close seats (purchased by Sidney) were in the eighth row at the end of the Rally Committee section. It was great because we could stand and yell the whole time with other caring people.
The game started out great, with a Cal touchdown followed by an interception and immediate second touchdown for Cal. After that it was like the Big Game all over again, except this time we were the team that had 20 plus unanswered points scored against us. In the end it was 37-27, with Utah continuing their streak of bowl game wins. This is the only picture I took at the game.

I got to the hotel by the 405 South to the 73 South to the 5 South to the 8 East, with a side trip downtown via CA-163. The hotel was close enough to Qualcom Stadium we walked there. The entire trip took 233 miles.
The night of Christmas, I was in contact with David who gave me information about meeting up with him, Salgu, and her brother the next day. We went to the Getty and looked at the photography of Irving Penn, specifically his pictures of people in their work clothes and with the tools of their trade. There are some pictures online about the exhibit Irving Penn: Small Trades for a limited time. Another exhibit exhibited drawings by Rembrant and the students he instructed. There was also some time for the photographers to take an excessive amount of pictures, some of which are on facebook.
One of the more interactive things was a Medieval scriptorium. It was an exhibit that showed some manuscripts and gave children of all ages the chance to make their own manuscript page. Mine is below.

The Latin text is translated "The dog is in the street."
After all this was over we went back to Koreatown for dinner. We enjoyed Korean BBQ with some of Salgu's family and friends, which was wonderful. I heard about the dangers of alligators in Mississippi where Salgu is teaching.
In traveling to these places, I took the 405 North to the 110 North. After making a stop, I got on the 10 West and rode it to the 405 North to get to the Getty. The entire trip took 104 miles.
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