Being the last day of class, it would be the last time I would see and talk to the girl for a while. I wanted some answers. I do not remember the conservation word for word, but these are the main points.
Me: "While we were getting to know each other earlier this semester, you never mentioned you had a boyfriend."I am glad I know the truth. This means she is not a dishonest person, just a socially ignorant one. However, it means she did not share any of the romantic feelings I felt for her.
Her: "I didn't know I had to."
Me: "The way we were interacting, I thought we were heading toward a romantic relationship."
Her: "I am sorry if I led you on."
I still have two questions.
First, in the two plus months we knew and talked to each other she never had a story or comment that was connected to or included her boyfriend of three years. In that same time, I told her about the time I went backpacking in Arizona with my friends, when I drove to Pasadena to see a football game with friends, the time a friend taught me how to use a laser engraver, and a trip to see friends in Berkeley. Did she do nothing with her boyfriend that was worth mentioning?
Second, she said she did not think she had to mention her boyfriend. If asking her what she did over her weekends, getting coffee together after class, talking about what she liked doing with her time, giving her my homemade candy, talking about her family, and planning to see a movie and have dinner together do not present a single reason for her to mention her boyfriend to me I am at a loss. Should a boyfriend only be mentioned if I ask her "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Everyone I have talked to thinks she should have said something and she is the one at fault. I agree with them.
I could do a lot of speculation and analysis. However, it does not change the fact she broke my heart. Even if she did not mean to, she still did.
Change of mood
Writing everything above did not put me in a good mood, so I will change that. On Wednesday one of my friends showed me this picture on his phone.

I had added him as a Facebook friend earlier in the day and he found one of my classic profile pictures taken by Larry.
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